Select Geographical Boundaries Use Case Specification






Actors will be able to select the level of geographical area that they want to examine from a set of geographical boundaries available for the data source that they selected (i.e. census track, zip code, puma,…).



Students, Professors, Researchers, GIS Team Members


Goal (The business goal of the initiating actor)

To choose to display the data in a map or table representation.


Preconditions (List the states the system can be in before this use case starts)

1.        Actor has successfully logged in to the system.

2.        Actor has selected a data source

3.        Actor has selected a variable

4.        Actor has selected a state.


Post conditions (List the state(s) the system can be in when this use case ends)



Assumptions (List all assumptions that have been made)

1.        The user has some level of privilege to look at some of or all of the data sources.


Frequency (Approximately how often this use case is realized, e.g., once a week, 500 times a day, etc.)

Every time a map or table is created using the software


Basic Course (Describe the “normal” processing path, aka, the Happy Path)

1.        iDataMap runs a query to determine what geographical area are available for that data category (state, country, MSA, …)

2.        iDataMap fills a menu with the available geographical areas

3.        Actor can see the geographical categories available from the front end.

4.        Actor selects one of the geographical categories for the map boundary lines will be drawn.



Included Use Cases



Extended Use Case (The use case, if any, that this use case extends)



Issues (List any "to dos", concerns to be addressed, …)



Decisions (List any important decisions made during the development of this use case)





Change History






November 11, 2002


Initial Draft

Marilyn Moucharite