Project Structure:
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Project's Schedule

October 15
Vision Statement
This is the first vision statement.
October 25
Project’s Requirement
This requirement should include most (probably 80%) of the usages of this software. It is a guild for our use cases and needs customer review.
November 1
Prototype of GUI Version 1.1
Show a basic layout and sequence of actions to our customers.
November 10
Use Cases First Version
We wrote 8 use cases at this time.
November 20
Use Cases Second Version
Each team member should write these use cases. It includes almost all usages of the system. Use template for them.
November 20
Prototype of GUI Version 1.2
Change UI bases on the customer’s response on UI version 1.1.
November 27

First Version of Architecture Design Done

Should know how many tiers in this system how they are connect with each other.
Person who designs the architecture should write architecture design document.
“Hello world” works for our system done

We need connect HTML client, tomcat server and access database together. Client file has at least one button, when user clicks the button a “Hello World” string is shown on screen.

At this time GIS layer is not considered in this system. But the assumption of this job can be done is the software can be installed in time. Only software we need at this time is Tomcat and JVM.

Start Daily Build
Start Daily Build
Some "Stories" and the maps associated with the stories.
Here are the stories and the maps. (Will have links)
December 20 (changed to 12/30)
Install another “hello world” system on GIS machine. This include install another tomcat and copy set database connection and set servlet files.
December 30
A web version GUI
Customers can play the UI on the internet. At this time the UI should show the sequence of real actions, and it will connect to be connected with server and database.
December 30
New requirement document done. Submit the second report.
Since we are not going to have a meeting with out customer before this day, and our requirement may have big change. This document will be what we understand.
January 7 Get CA Base Maps Done These maps include four files for: County, PUMA, MSA, County track.
January 15
Ask customers to prepare some testers for us.
Since this software will be used mostly by our customers and their students at the beginning. We will ask our customers to get their students as our testers.
January 30
Version 1 Done
This version has UI, server, database and map parts. All are connected together. We use only one data source.

This part is delayed to alpha release due date.
February 19
Demo Alpha Release to Professor Bolker
February 24 Alpha Release Alpha Relase requirement is on requirement page.
Coding / Testing /Deployment
Functional Testing / Deployment
May 5 Release 1.0 Ready It is ready on our server Source is ready incvs.
May 15

Web Updated on 5/12/03.
CopyRight@iDataMap Team in UMB